Page 13 - Family Focus Newsletter
P. 13

Our community
at Castle View School
Everyone at our our school plays a a a a role in in making our our community
what it it is Our pastoral support system identifies and overcomes any barriers to to learning while encouraging students to to be be the best they they can be All students have a a a a personal tutor whom they they meet each each day while each each year group is is led by a a a a a a a Head of Year who is is supported by a a a Student Support Officer (a vital home-school link) Our students also have a a a a key role in the the leadership of the the school The dynamic and well-respected Student Leadership Team act as as role models and decision makers on on aspects such as learning and and and teaching rewards and and and community
and and and ethos Rewards community
and ethos Our students are are passionate individuals who care about each other and their local community
Together they have raised thousands of pounds for local and and national charities We
also include our our wider community
in in our our performances and educational events – most recently hearing the experience of a a a Holocaust Survivor Together we we welcome everyone to be an active part of the Castle View Community Our students are passionate individuals who care about each other and their local community
“Leading Parent Partnership Award Winner 2020”

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