School Operations
High quality back-office support frees up time and resources for school improvement.
Our dedicated central team provide both support and expertise in key areas of school management. Their role is to enable Headteachers to focus on school improvement by reducing unnecessary administrative burdens. This enables the smooth running of schools operationally, and secures best value for money. Equally, we recognise as a Trust that in providing back-office support, we must be always mindful not to de-skill school staff, as long-term this reduces, rather than enhances, capacity.
Human Resources
A dedicated team supports all our Trust schools with all their HR needs. Working with schools to recruit staff, support the workforce, and source specialists allowing Headteachers to reach a wider pool of talent for each role. Our HR team works alongside the schools to provide support and guidance on a full range of HR and payroll matters
Communication with parents and the wider community has never been more important. Fluid, regular communication helps to improve a school’s reputation, enhance student and pupil intake, and celebrate achievements. Our Trust team supports and advises on parental/carer communications, as well as on whole-school imagery and press relations. Communication is always evolving, and a school’s particular strengths and successes are continually shared with a wide audience via internal communications, social media output, and other exciting means.
Collective budgeting brings greater bargaining power and bigger savings. Our experts help apply the principles of curriculum-led financial planning, bringing in consultants to adapt and structure the school curriculum, so that it maximises results for all students, and releases more money to innovate in other areas.
Shared ICT purchasing and support across all schools means better equipment, fewer problems, more frequent upgrades, and the opportunity for all students to participate fully in a rich, digital-age curriculum. ICT has the potential to transform learning and empower teachers to unlock their potential.
Zenith provides support for all schools in relation to maintenance and development of school premises, as well as health and safety. Additional DfE buildings income, by dint of being a five school Trust, is centrally managed to ensure efficient and compliant upkeep of the Trust's estate.